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Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking For Students

Social media allows students to connect with other like-minded people, despite distance and time. It also helps them to access mental health and well-being information that is often difficult to share offline without stigma.

However, there are some disadvantages to using social media. These include distractions and addiction. These factors can negatively impact students’ academic performance.

1. It helps in promoting campus drive

A social media campaign can help institutions attract prospective students, keep current ones informed, grow alumni networks and promote on-campus events. In fact, many universities can directly attribute enrollment increases to their social media strategy.

However, it can also distract students and make them lose focus on their studies, leading to lower marks in exams. This is because they get extra attached to the social media platforms and start spending a lot of time on it, which leads to low productivity within and outside the classroom.

Another disadvantage of using social media is that it can expose students to false information. This can cause serious problems for their academic career, as well as personal life. It can also lead to a sense of comparison and a negative self-image, as students may feel they are not as successful or attractive as others on social media.

2. It helps in interacting with the world

Social media helps people to instantly connect with countless others worldwide at any time. It allows individuals to get updates on their friends and families, learn about current events, and find out what other people think about a particular issue.

It also allows activists to organize large rallies with a relatively low cost. This is especially important in developing countries where resources are scarce.

However, it is important to keep in mind that social networking sites can be distracting. Some people become addicted to checking their feeds and can lose out on other activities that could benefit them. They may also be at risk for cyberbullying and other types of online harassment. This can be a major problem for students who spend too much time on their online profiles.

3. It helps in enhancing communication skills

Social networking services help people stay in touch with dozens or even hundreds of friends and family members they would have lost contact with otherwise. They allow them to share political thoughts, mark themselves safe during disasters, or just wish each other happy birthday.

They also make it easier to use abbreviations, emoticons, and other forms of informal language. This may reduce face-to-face communication skills and lead to a decrease in our ability to read non-verbal cues.

Another disadvantage of social media is that it can be addictive and distract students from their work or other activities. It is common to see students pressing their phones during a meeting or chatting on social media during church service. This can affect their academic performance if not managed properly.

4. It helps in enhancing creativity

Creativity can be a good thing, but when it becomes an obsession, it can lead to problems. People who spend too much time on social networking can become distracted from their real world and can have trouble focusing on schoolwork or other activities.

Social media can help in enhancing creativity by exposing students to new cultures and perspectives. This can help them come up with innovative ideas and spark their imagination. It also gives them the opportunity to share their work with a large audience, which can be beneficial for their career.

Social media is also a great tool for conducting research. It allows students to access information that isn’t easily available in the library. This can be useful for students who are preparing for a test or writing an essay.

5. It helps in enhancing social skills

Many young people use social networking services to communicate with friends and others, but they can also be used to learn new skills. For example, some sites allow users to collaborate on group projects and share resources. Many of these sites have tutorials that can help students master certain skills.

Social media also allows users to stay updated on news events. Breaking news is often shared on social media before television and newspapers can report it in detail. It is also a great place to get advice from mentors and find training programs.

It has been found that some students become engrossed in their online activities, which leads to isolation from the real world. This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

6. It helps in enhancing self-esteem

A social networking site provides users with the ability to create an electronic profile, interact with friends and followers, upload pictures, comment on others’ lives, and fulfill belongingness needs. However, excessive use of social media may lead to feelings of inadequacy and depression.

Students may also be exposed to upward social comparison information through their friends’ posts, which can further impair their self-esteem. It can also be a source of misinformation and increase their vulnerability to privacy and security threats.

High self-esteem enables people to bounce back from setbacks and to appreciate their accomplishments, whatever they are. It also enables them to set healthy boundaries in their social media relationships. The ACC educates its secondary students about the responsible use of social media and technology.

7. It helps in enhancing communication skills

The use of social networking sites can help students develop communication skills by connecting with people worldwide, sharing information and experiences, and accessing a variety of resources. However, these services can also have negative impacts on users’ lives if used irresponsibly.

One of the biggest concerns is that it can lead to an addiction to social media use. In addition, it can distract students from academic activities and negatively affect their grades. Furthermore, it can be dangerous for students to share personal information on social media sites, as this can put them at risk of identity theft or cyberbullying.

Another concern is that social networking can lead to a decrease in the quality of communication. Messages sent over social networks are usually short and can lack proper grammar and syntax.

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SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp93_comments.comment_ID FROM wp93_comments WHERE ( comment_approved = '1' ) AND comment_post_ID = 253 AND comment_parent = 0 ORDER BY wp93_comments.comment_date_gmt ASC, wp93_comments.comment_ID ASC

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