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Facebook Ads For Beginners – How to Get Your Ads to the Top of the Feed

Whether you’re a newbie to Facebook ads or an old pro, there are a few things you can do to make sure your ads perform. Below you’ll find a few tips that will help you find the right audience, write a great headline, choose the right ad format and track your results.

Create a lookalike audience

Using a lookalike audience for Facebook ads is a great way to reach people who aren’t already interested in your products. They are easier to target than custom audiences, and they allow you to scale up your campaigns.

First, you must choose a source audience. This is the audience you want to create a lookalike audience from. This can be an existing list, such as your email list, or an event sign up. You may also use Facebook’s pixel data.

Then, select the country where you want to create your lookalike audience. You can choose from countries around the world, or select a specific region. Once you’ve chosen a country, you can choose a size for your audience. You can choose from 1% to 10% of the total population in that country.

Write a short headline

Having a catchy Facebook ad headline can make or break an ad. But how do you go about choosing the best one for your business? Here are some tips for creating a headline that will get your ad to the top of the feed.

First of all, the best headlines are simple. They should be no more than six words long and include a few key words. They should also be to the point. A good headline should make the viewer interested in the product you are advertising.

The best headlines should also be clever. One example is an ad that uses an emoji to make a big block of text more digestible. Another example is an ad that uses a picture to tell a story.

Choose the right ad format

Choosing the right ad format for Facebook ads for beginners can be a daunting task. After all, there are many different types of Facebook ads to choose from. The trick is to choose one that is appropriate for your business.

The key to choosing the right ad format for Facebook ads is to first determine what your goals are. Whether you want to drive more website traffic, grow your social media followers or increase ebook downloads, you’ll want to choose an ad that will achieve those goals.

Facebook ads can be set with a budget and a daily limit. You can also set up a retargeting list. You can use an existing post as your ad or start from scratch. You can also use Facebook’s Automatic Placements.

Track your ad performance

Using Facebook ads is a great way to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and get more app downloads. However, tracking your ad performance can be tricky.

Facebook has a range of tools to help you track your ad performance. However, you need to be an advertiser or editor to use them. Alternatively, you could choose a third-party application. Using an application can help you optimize your Facebook ads over time, and provides convenience.

One of the most important ways to track your ad performance is to set up a conversion tracking method. The method should be able to show the total number of conversions for a given time period, as well as the average cost per conversion.

Another way to measure your ad’s performance is to check its engagement rate. This measures the number of times the ad is displayed. Usually, a high engagement rate is a good sign.

Find the right audience

Choosing the right audience is one of the most important parts of Facebook advertising. With more than a billion monthly active users and more data than other platforms, Facebook offers an enormous amount of targeting tools. Fortunately, finding the right audience can be easy. But, the process can also be time-consuming.

To start, you’ll want to choose between two types of audiences. First, you can create a lookalike audience. This is an audience based on demographics, interest, and behavior. These are a great way to target new people. They’re also a great way to extend your ad campaign’s reach.

Facebook also offers custom audiences. These audiences are based on data from offline or online customer lists. They’re also used to retarget people who have visited your website.

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